martedì 1 maggio 2012

Chiesa oggi, 1. maggio 2012

   Chiesa oggi, 1. maggio 2012
  • BBC: tutti e 4 le prossime trasmissioni di ‘La vergogna della Chiesa cattolica’
  • Gran Bretagna, contro matrimonio gay Chiesa invoca alleanza tra religioni
  • Lotta all’Islam e solidarietà a Breivik, in Uk spira il vento dell’estrema destra
  • Costituzione della Francia: una repubblica “indivisibile, laica, democratica e sociale “.
  • Invito a presentare disobbedienza:“Vescovi cattolici come i proprietari terrieri feudali“
  • BBC:  4 bevorstehende Sendungen über die ‘Schande der Katholischen Kirche’
  • 86% sind für die Forderungen der Pfarrerinitiative lt Umfrage.
  • Aufstand der PfarrerKirche. Ist die Kirchenspaltung noch abzuwenden
  • Heydrichs SS-Mission: Amen.
  • Köln: European Atheist Convention 2012
  • Frankreichs Verfassung: “unteilbare, laizistische, demokratische und soziale Republik.”
  • Zum Kotzen: „Hetze von Christen gegen Moslems“ in Nigeria
  • Missbrauch: ‘Priester muss in Ruhestand’
  • Mahlzeit! Einmal Herdprämie bitte
  • Nächstenhiebe – Missbrauch. Ein verurteilter Pater weiter als Lehrer und Erzieher

  • BBC: les 4 diffusions de «La Honte de l’Église catholique»
  • Etats-Unis : le pasteur Terry Jones brûle encore le Coran
  • Vive La Laïcité !
  • Irlande: “Un gouffre entre libéraux et conservateurs”
  • Appel à la désobéissance: «les évêques comme des seigneurs féodaux”
  • Constitution francaise: une république «indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale.”

  • BBC: See all 4 upcoming broadcasts of  ‘The Shame of the Catholic Church’
  • Hundreds protest at papal nunciature against censuring of priests by vatican
  • Vatican Goes after Irish Priests and Theologians
  • For a year now, Austrian Catholics debate disobedience
  • Priests- We won’t break seal of confession to report sex abuse
  • Nuns and priests wear gags as they protest against Vatican censorship
  • How much harder it is to raise Catholics today than it was during the Pope’s childhood
  • Religion in politics debate raises questions
  • The Inquisition: The Exaggerated Crimes of Religion
  • Priests must report child abuse confessions or face jail
  • Majority prefers schools not run by church
  • Pontiff tells German bishops that pro multis must be translated literally
  • Köln: European Atheist Convention 2012
  • Onus on priests to report offences unclear
  • Australia’s blurred separation between church and state
  • Majority prefers schools not run by church
  • Call for disobedience: “Catholic bishops behave like feudal landlords “
  • French constitution: an “indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.”
  • Religion in politics debate raises questions
  • New Vatican Threat: American Nuns
   Chiesa oggi, 1. maggio 2012

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