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- “Gli ebrei sono intellettualmente inferiori”
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- Ratzinger: il silenzio sui preti pedofili
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- Le vane fatiche del Sant’Uffizio per rievangelizzare l’Irlanda e domare l’insorgenza di novecento preti
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- Interreligiöse Grundschule – Juden, Christen und Muslime unter einem Dach
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- Märchenstunde des Berliner Bischofs
- Bildungsministerium fördert Bibelverteilung an Schulen
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- Krise im Vatikan: Dem Papst entgleiten die Zügel
- Der offene Brief an Kardinal Schönborn im Wortlaut
- Religionskritiker und Humanisten eine Gefahr?
- Cleric objects to Vatican’s ‘diktat culture’
- Catholics ‘want married priests’
- Clergy Abuse Survivors Submit New Evidence to International Criminal Court
- Fr Tony Flannery’s silencing by Vatican causes new damage to Catholic Church
- Vatican ‘Cardinal Rambo’ defends passion for guns
- Catholic Bishops Issue Threat Of Civil Disobedience by Millions Of Catholics
- Humanists to mount legal challenge against new schools
- New charges that Belgian Cardinal Danneels knew of abuse complaints years ago
- Catholics in favour of women priests
- Is Ireland still catholic?
- Prominent germans evangelicals collaborate in book on Pope Benedict
- The priest, the boy & that night
- Vatican Silences Outspoken Irish Priest
- Is Ireland still catholic
- Bishops urge rejection of laws that attack religious freedom
- L’avocat du cardinal Danneels récuse les accusations contre son clien
- 700 plaintes contre le clergé catholique
- Programme de recherche relation interreligieuses
- Cafouillage au Vatican du professeur Ratzinger
Chiesa oggi, 13.aprile 2012
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